If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please email info@klsepto.org or check out our website www.klsepto.org or Facebook page Katonah-Lewisboro Special Education PTO.
We wanted you to know that SEPTO is here for everyone! We are here to answer questions from families, connect students together and put on educational programming.
KLSD has partnered with Public Consulting Group (PCG) to conduct a review of the District’s special education programming and services. The goal of the review is to help us learn what is working well related to special education and to find opportunities for improvement. PCG is seeking input from parents and guardians of students with IEPs currently receiving special education services in the District in two ways:
- SURVEY: The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and will be available from now until Friday, April 4th, 2025.
- FOCUS GROUPS: You are invited to participate in a virtual focus group for parents/guardians of students currently being serviced with IEPs in KLSD. These sessions are virtual and confidential.
Save the Date
Caregivers Nature Break
April 4th @ 9am-12pm at Marian Yarrow Preserve
LLT invites caregivers to a mindfulness program to support overall wellness and deeper nature connection. This inclusive program has been developed in partnership with the Katonah-Lewisboro Special Education Parent Teacher Organization (KLSEPTO), but is open to ALL caregivers with children or young adults of varying abilities. Space is limited and registration is required.
April 4th @4-5pm
Join us at the Katonah Museum of Art for a tour, viewing of the new exhibit, and a hands-on activity.
Please RSVP as space is limited for this program: info@klsepto.org
April 8th @ 10am COFFEE
Please RSVP: info@klsepto.org
Team Nikhil Foundation: Inclusive Dance
April 27th, 2025
Special Services Presentation: “Executive Functioning”
May 7th, 2025
In order to accommodate the most people possible, we are asking for your feedback regarding the time of the presentation. Please complete survey with preferred time preferences. Note: When logging into Microsoft please enter your child's credentials from campus parent to complete survey form.
What is the Katonah-Lewisboro SEPTO?
SEPTO is our district-wide Special Education Parent Teacher Organization. Katonah-Lewisboro SEPTO meets to share relevant information and offer support to those who are involved with children with special needs.
If your Child.....
has an IEP or a 504 plan, or
is in a special education class, or
gets "building level services" such as speech, OT, PT, "lunch bunch," or RTI, or
has ever needed the help of a school psychologist or social worker, or
has severe allergies or other medical condition, or
has to or has ever had to miss extended class time due to an injury or illness,
THEN SEPTO CAN HELP YOU! Please visit our SEPTO's website to learn more about this hard working PTO that advocates for our very own Meadow Pond families at the Katonah-Lewisboro SEPTO website at http://www.klsepto.org/
Questions? For the 2020-2021 school year SEPTO will be lead by Angela Garofalo, President of KL’s SEPTO’s and Liz Mailman, Vice President of KL SEPTO. Contact information can be found at: http://www.klsepto.org/contact-us.