Calendar School Reminders Volunteer Opportunities Requests Purchase the Directory Create An Account
Tuesday, March 18
Chorus Concert at 8:30am
Early Bird Yearbook Pricing Ends (see details below)
Friday, March 21
PARP #3 Tracker + Optional Bonus Activities Tracking Sheet Due
PTO General Meeting + Principal's Coffee (see details below)
The Latest...
*NEW* - March Principal's Coffee + PTO Gen Meeting Technology Discussion
*REMINDER* - Early Bird Yearbook Pricing Ends Tuesday!
*REMINDER* - Spring After School Activities Registration Now Open!
Pick a Reading Partner (PARP) 2025 Weekly Update
Tax Professional Parent Volunteer Needed!
Join us for a Screening + Q&A of Screenagers
March Moosage
Screenagers: Elementary School Edition
Thursday, March 18 at 6:30 pm at the Bedford Playhouse
Tickets: $10 and includes popcorn and post-event reception
The evening will include:
- A screening of the film
- A Q&A with Chris Nelson, KLSD Director of Technology
- Resources from @Wait Until 8th, KLSD, and local bookstores
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and grow as a community.
Gray and Navy blue hoodies in adult sizes S, M, L, and XL now on sale!
Purchases will be sent home with named students in Backpack Mail.
Max's Spirit Wear Is A Meadow Pond PTO Fundraiser
Thank You For Your Continued Support.
Any questions or issues?
Email Marie O'Connor, MPES PTO Spiritwear Chair at
MPES 2024-2025 School Year Calendar
*subject to change
We are so grateful for our parent volunteers! Your presence, participation, and enthusiasm are what makes these experiences so enriching, memorable, and fun for our Meadow Ponders! When volunteering at at Meadow Pond, please do the following:
- Volunteer Application - KLSD requires that all volunteers renew their volunteer application annually in order to volunteer in any of the KLSD schools. Click here to renew yours -- it's very quick.
- Location - go directly to the area where you are offering support and stay in that area.
- Photography - pictures should only be taken if a teacher or Meadow Pond administrator gives you the okay to do so.
Click here to visit the KLSD Volunteer overview page.
For Community Meetings and Other Events Throughout the Year.
Email to volunteer.
We are excited to announce that we will be using Membership Toolkit for our MPES PTO Directory and Communications (aka Max Mail).
We invite you to create your account. Once you create a Membership Toolkit Account, you will receive PTO Communications and have the option to purchase access to the Online Directory.
Here's what you need to do:
Click on the Login button.
If you already have an account with another organization that uses Membership Toolkit you can use the same email and password to login. You can then proceed to the numbered steps below.
Select "Create Account" and fill in the name, email, and password information.
Click "verify my email" and then check your email for a link to complete the process. The link expires in 2 hours. If you do not receive the email, check your spam or junk folders.
Once you have verified your email address, log back in and finish the registration process.
Complete the Parent/Family and Student Information.
Complete the Directory/Publish Preferences.
Once the Primary Account is set up, the Primary User can "invite" other email addresses to access his/her account. This allows the Secondary User to have their own login information, but still have access to the family account.
Questions? Please email Brandi Clark (
Register » Login
If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here.
Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App.